Did you know that WordPress has built in keyboard shortcuts that you can use with the Gutenberg editor on Mac? If you didn’t here’s a list of all the shortcut keys that you can use:
- Display these keyboard shortcuts. ^⌥H
Global shortcuts
- Switch between visual editor and code editor. ⇧⌥⌘M
- Toggle fullscreen mode. ⇧⌥⌘F
- Open the block navigation menu. ^⌥O
- Show or hide the settings sidebar. ⇧⌘,
- Navigate to the next part of the editor. ^`^⌥N
- Navigate to the previous part of the editor. ^⇧`^⌥P
- Navigate to the nearest toolbar. ⌥F10
- Save your changes. ⌘S
- Undo your last changes. ⌘Z
- Redo your last undo. ⇧⌘Z
Selection shortcuts
- Select all text when typing. Press again to select all blocks. ⌘A
- Clear selection. escape
Block shortcuts
- Duplicate the selected block(s). ⇧⌘D
- Remove the selected block(s). ^⌥Z
- Insert a new block before the selected block(s). ⌥⌘T
- Insert a new block after the selected block(s). ⌥⌘Y
- Remove multiple selected blocks. delbackspace
- Move the selected block(s) up. ⇧⌥⌘T
- Move the selected block(s) down. ⇧⌥⌘Y
- Change the block type after adding a new paragraph. /
Text formatting
- Make the selected text bold. ⌘B
- Make the selected text italic. ⌘I
- Convert the selected text into a link. ⌘K
- Remove a link. ⇧⌘K
- Underline the selected text. ⌘U
Why not give these a try the next time you use the Gutenberg editor on mac?
If you are using Windows or linux there are also short cut keys that can be used. Click here to find out more.