WordPress keyboard shortcuts for Windows

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Did you know that WordPress has a keyboard shortcuts that you can use with the Gutenberg editor on a windows or linux computer?  If you didn’t here’s a list of all the shortcut keys that you can use:

  • Display these keyboard shortcuts. Shift+Alt+H

Global shortcuts

  • Switch between visual editor and code editor. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M
  • Toggle fullscreen mode. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F
  • Open the block navigation menu. Shift+Alt+O
  • Show or hide the settings sidebar. Ctrl+Shift+,
  • Navigate to the next part of the editor. Ctrl+`Shift+Alt+N
  • Navigate to the previous part of the editor. Ctrl+Shift+`Shift+Alt+P
  • Navigate to the nearest toolbar. Alt+F10
  • Save your changes. Ctrl+S
  • Undo your last changes. Ctrl+Z
  • Redo your last undo. Ctrl+Shift+Z

Selection shortcuts

  • Select all text when typing. Press again to select all blocks. Ctrl+A
  • Clear selection. escape

Block shortcuts

  • Duplicate the selected block(s). Ctrl+Shift+D
  • Remove the selected block(s). Shift+Alt+Z
  • Insert a new block before the selected block(s). Ctrl+Alt+T
  • Insert a new block after the selected block(s). Ctrl+Alt+Y
  • Remove multiple selected blocks. delbackspace
  • Move the selected block(s) up. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T
  • Move the selected block(s) down. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Y
  • Change the block type after adding a new paragraph. /

Text formatting

  • Make the selected text bold. Ctrl+B
  • Make the selected text italic. Ctrl+I
  • Convert the selected text into a link. Ctrl+K
  • Remove a link. Ctrl+Shift+K
  • Underline the selected text. Ctrl+U

Why not give these a try the next time you use the Gutenberg editor on Windows or Linux computer.   Alternatively if you use a mac a guide to the short cut keys avaliable can be found here.

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